Some dark synths on sale

Some dark synths on sale

SINES  - New Synth by Cherry Audio

What they say: diverse wave shaping bending sine waveformes into infinite variables

what we say: sounds cool!




Realitone is offering a pre-release offer on their new vst Nightfall. Check the video, the sounds are amazing. If you're not sure what hybrid/organic is, well take a listen and it'll all make sense:


Water Sound Effect by Bluezone

I remember hearing the splashing sound at the beginning of Outkast's Mainstream and for whatever reason, thought it was so cool


Well if you're looking sounds like that or similar. Bluezone has you covered. From Bluezone:

This sound pack delivers stunning sound design elements that have been recorded in high definition. You'll find flows and spills, ripples and waves, and underwater bubble sounds. This collection also contains moving water and transitional sounds, followed by impacts and splashes.



Darkischord 3 is free with any purchase from ADSR sounds

Just in time for Halloween, pick up Darkischord 3 for free with any purchase from ADSR sounds.


That's it for this week


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